
Crook Marketplace

Almost no better place in the world to get fresh produce and great chat all in one place.

Just fantastic!

Local MP visits Wolsingham School Classics and History Club

Thank you so much to Mr Thompson, who recently invited me along to Wolsingham school to meet and chat with the classics and politics club. I was delighted to introduce myself and answer their probing and carefully crafted questions. They really know their stuff!

Elliot Military Surplus and Collectibles

I’m always popping into Tow Law but I’ve been through a thousand times and never had the chance to pop into Elliott’s Militaria. So, recently I put some time in the diary and finally paid this local family business a visit. It did not disappoint.

Sunniside Community Centre Funds!

Recently, I went along to see the fantastic team at the Sunniside Community Centre to present a cheque for £18,000 from Northern Powergrid as part of almost 100k for North West Durham in this round of funding alone.

Good news – British Gas

Mrs W of Consett, who is a pensioner and is particularly vulnerable due to her health difficulties, recently got in touch because she wanted to claim back her overpayment to British gas.

Sycamore Gap Sadness

Last year, my partner Kate and I visited the spot and it’s very sad that this act of wanton vandalism of something that just brought happiness has taken place

Beautiful Heather

It was so beautiful to see the fells in bloom recently. Always one of my favourite times of year to be in and around North West Durham. The UK has 75% of the world’s heather of this type, we really are lucky to have it.


Northern Caucus launch

It was a real honour and a privilege to be the keynote speaker at the launch of the Northern Caucus in Westminster. This group will unite the voice of the North in Parliament.

The Rural Oscars

Nominated by the public, these awards recognise the people behind our local rural businesses who routinely go the extra mile for their community. All to often, they are the unsung heroes of rural life.